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Unique & Creative Ideas for TV Wall Mount

The television has been a centre piece of the Australian household for decades now, yet until relatively recently it was not exactly a feature that would be considered all that versatile from an aesthetic perspective. Today however, televisions are large, streamlined, attractive and can be displayed in the home in a variety of ways. TV wall mounting has become the best way to display the television as it doesn’t take up floor space and can hide cables from sight.

Let’s take a look at some of the coolest and most creative ways to mount your TV, whether you’re doing-it-yourself or calling in a professional. There are many different ways to get innovative with this and the use of motors and other machinery means that just about anything you can imagine can be done.

Hidden And Out Of Sight

It doesn’t get much more high-tech than this. A popular option in a lot of modern homes, the hidden TV can work in a variety of ways. Whether the television folds out of the wall or ceiling, appears from behind a mirror or painting or even pops out of the floor, we love the idea as it frees up space like nothing else! A good technician shouldn’t have any problems setting this up without any poor TV reception solutions needed down the track.The television usually appears/folds out by pressing a button on a remote which in our opinion is extremely cool

Mounted on a Dividing Wall

Televisions are usually mounted on or placed next to a wall, however having the TV in the middle of the room like this makes for quite an interesting look. This is a clever option if the shape of the room is large or particularly long. In the above image you can see the contrast between the TV and dividing shelf wall makes for an interesting look. Speak to a decorator or wall mount service provider for ideas on how to make this work.

Above the Fireplace

There’s nothing quite like snuggling up in front of the fire and watching a good movie and this set-up is taylor-made for just that! Mounted just above the mantle, the position of this television is quite popular nowadays. Think about the colour scheme too - in this example the TV doesn’t take too much away from the rest of the wall as a whole and fits nicely.

The Minimalist Approach

This is more of an example of how the television can be used almost as a decorative piece and can fit nicely with other furniture and colours. This kind of composition is a perfect option for the modern home.

The Swivel

Self explanatory really, this rotating mount allows the same TV to be viewed in rooms on other side of the cabinet without having to move it. Pretty neat huh? Not only does this look awesome but it’s also very practical. With a few adjustments to the example shown, the TV can be also be stowed away to free up the space for other items.

As a Feature Wall

A feature wall can be made with a completely different material to the surrounding walls, or simply a different paint colour. This is a clever way of drawing your eyes to a certain place and creating a focal point, which makes it the ideal place to mount your television.

Some of these examples are pretty tricky when it comes to setting them up, so if you’ve been inspired by any of the ideas in this article have a chat to a professional unless you’re quite the handyman! Affordable TV wall mounts are provided by a wide large of providers in Brisbane.

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